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Solar technology is set to transform the way powering your home works. Here’s what you can expect from the future of solar power.

Are you ready for the energy of the future?

Electricity generated from fossil fuels might offer 62.6% of energy in the US right now, but that’s not the future. Renewable energy is the name of the game and while all sources only make up 17.6% of American energy, that’s going to change — especially as everyday people like you start taking advantage of clean energy sources.

Solar power only offers 1.6% of energy in the US, yet it already offsets 96 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Thus, the future of solar power is bright. As solar panel systems become less expensive and more accessible, solar panels will become a common sight on residential homes across America.

Intrigued? Read on to learn more about the bright future of solar power.

Extension of the ITC Tax Credit

Lots of people want to go solar because they love the idea of clean energy and lowering their monthly bills. Unfortunately, not everyone loves the idea of the upfront cost to install residential solar panels.

Thankfully, there are federal and state tax credits available that incentivize going solar. Currently, the ITC tax credit offers you a tax break equal to 30% of the cost of your system, provided that you purchase the system. This tax credit was scheduled to step down to 22% at the end of 2020 but it was extended back to the rate of 26%, and then back to 30%.

However, the Solar Industries Energy Association (SEIA), the largest trade group for the solar industry is hopeful for an expansion giving the Democratic climate.

COVID Highlighting the Big Benefits of Going Solar

COVID-19 has most people spending a lot more time at home than they used to. Now, instead of going to the office every day, millions of Americans are making a short commute from their bedrooms to their home offices. Instead of heading off to school for the day, millions of American children are tuning in with their teachers online for virtual schooling.

Not only are people spending more time at home, but they’re also spending that time on activities that require energy.

What does this mean for residential energy bills? They’re shooting through the roof!

This is making people keenly aware of how much their electricity is costing. As a result, many people are looking for ways to lower or eliminate that monthly payment.

Residential solar panels are an excellent choice for most people. The right size system can produce enough power to power a home with electric appliances fully. Of course, energy production can be lower on days when too many clouds are blocking the sun. However, the vast majority of homeowners can avoid this worry by connecting their system to the grid. During times of overproduction, their system will contribute to the grid and earn credit that can be used during times of underproduction.

A poll conducted by LG Solar, a company that manufactures solar panels, found that 70% of homeowners were willing to pay the upfront cost of solar installation at once, rather than paying for it over time.

A Customized Approach to Solar Energy

Here at True Home Solar, we take a customized approach to solar energy. We believe that the best residential solar panels are those that are customized to fit your home’s energy needs and backed with the right financial vehicle. It’s all a matter of simple economics. While most homeowners will benefit from a similar system, you don’t want a cookie-cutter design as every home will have its own specific energy needs and not everyone is in the same financial situation.

For example, the typical spot to place residential solar panels is on the roof. By the way, our low-profile black solar panels for 2020 are a sleek looking option for modern homeowners.

However, not all roofs qualify to support a solar panel installation. Additionally, it may not be worth installing solar panels on an older roof that will need to be replaced in a few years. To that end, we can design ground mount systems or another alternative system like a canopy to support your solar power system.

If you decide that you want a new roof or the site inspection discovers that a new roof is needed, our GAF certified team will get to work installing a GAF roof that offers a 50-year or longer lifespan. We also offer an end-to-end roof and solar work guarantee for 25 years.

Kiss your utility bills goodbye and enjoy the industry’s best customer service from a team passionate about renewable energy. We firmly believe that we are helping to provide a better world for future generations by powering your home with cleaner, cheper, greener, price-protected power. Additionally, you’ll love the monthly savings as well as enjoying years of free or inexpensive energy once the system has paid for itself.

Ready to Join the Future of Solar Power?

The future of solar power is bright and you can be a part of it. As an investment, there has never been a better time to buy a solar panel system. The price of solar installations has dropped 70% over the last 10 years and by taking advantage of federal and state tax credits, homeowners can nearly be paid to install a solar energy system.

Contact us today here at True Home Solar to talk with one of our solar energy specialists and learn about the benefits of a customized solar energy system for your home.